VHD DiscWorld


The VHD Video Disc System | 3D Compatible Video | 1982 SMPTE Journal Article | VHD in America Part 2 | VHD News Clippings | Inside The VHD Disc System | Video Review Magazine's VHD Report | GE VHD Player Test (August 1981) | VHD In The U.K. | Dual-Standard NTSC/PAL/SECAM VHD | Review: Victor HD-7900 VHD Player | Review: Victor HD-9300 3D VHD Player | Comparing VHD/LD/CED | AHD: Audio/Advanced High Density

VHD's worldwide compatibility

Unlike all other analog video systems, JVC designed the VHD Video Disc system to be dual-standard right from the beginning. All PAL and NTSC VHD players had the ability to play discs of other television standards. Thus, a PAL disc played on an NTSC player would play just as if it were an NTSC disc. The discs were coded for each countrys television system, but the player had the ability to recognize this and adjust the turntable speed, chroma carrier frequency and other parameters to enable compatible playback. With the addition of AHD audio playback, JVC envisioned a disc system capable of playing discs made anywhere in the world, which they felt, would help the system to become a world-wide video standard.

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